The World Travelers Society — Prequel – Chapters 1 & 2 – The Lost Box

While I was doing some research on Victor Sassoon — the 6th richest person in the world back in the 1930s, I came upon a puzzling story in the Bund magazine. It’s 2010 and the Shanghai Peace Hotel, previously known as the Sassoon House, just finished a 3-year overall renovation. The article mentioned workers discovered a box that seems to belong to a secret society — The World Travelers Society.

That information piqued my curiosity, but what intrigued me even more was that nobody followed up on the mystery. I so much wanted to know what happened to that box and what was in it, or even if that story was true.

There isn’t much information in the article though — a title, a little paragraph and a photograph.

I started by translating the information and put the different elements on a board. Soon after, I sent an email to the article’s writer asking if she had further details or clearer pictures.

The Bund Magazine’s Article
Copy of the Article. Only the highlighted parts are relevant to our investigation.
Article’s Translation
Article’s Photograph — CLICK on the PIC for HD.

It didn’t take long before I got a reply to my email.

Her reply included two architectural plans, a complete floor plan and the other one looks like a copy of the same plan, but just a part that was torn off. Did they hide the box at that location? From what I can see, the detailed drawing on the top (the torn-off paper) represents a specific apartment of the overall floor plan.

Email exchange — CLICK on the PIC for HD

Miss Li She was kind enough to send by courier the two plans together with a sticky note saying the original note (the signed map) found with the box was actually kept at the Peace Hotel museum. I will call the Peace Hotel and see if I can get hold of the original note or its copy.

In the meantime, could you work on the two plans and help me figure out where I should go next. What’s the name of that building, which unit (apartment) and where in the unit I should search?

Remember, we are looking for the box or anything leading to it.

Partial Architectural Plan — CLICK on the PIC for HD
Complete Architectural Plan — CLICK on the PIC for HD
Our Mystery Board after Chapters 1 & 2
Head to our Discord to check your answers with the community


Here are some of the hints, use them only if you are stuck.

1. Found the name of the building but not the Unit? The writing (text) on the maps will only help you find what building it is. If you found the building quit reading all the text in the complete plan (and avoid sore eyes)..

2. Why there are two plans or maybe hesitating between 2 units? The torn plan is the one used by the members of the secret society, the complete plan is public. So, some details should be in the torn one that indicates a secret (precise) location..

3. Still stuck? The layouts may slightly be changed but it’s hard to change a buildings bones..

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