At the library, I was told the book found in the Normandie Apartments was indeed donated to them, but I won’t be able to see it because it’s being restored. All they could tell me was that it is about China and written by a foreigner, but they also allowed me to take pictures of their screen with the book’s cover on it.
I have no more leads now. It seems the architectural plans led me to the Normandie Apartments, which in turn led me to the library and that’s it. So, all I have left now are pictures of the book cover and the different signatures on the map, one of them being “Eves”.
Let’s focus on this book, and try to find out who’s the author and what’s the title of the book. Could you help with that? I’m sure the author might be someone of interest. Is she/he connected to Victor Sassoon?
I have the feeling someone is following me now. I felt that already while discussing with the lady at the Normandie Apartments but I wasn’t so sure.

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