The World Travelers Society | Prequel — An Immersive Mystery Adventure

“The only remaining box containing the secret of the World Travelers Society was last sighted in 1939. 

A clue about its location resurfaced recently in Shanghai…”

Kickstarter’s Box in March, but why wait to play?

We are launching a Mystery Adventure (Escape) Box on Kickstarter in March. But before that, we will launch the Prequel — an Online Game Experience on Kickstarter too. Yes, that’s 2 Kickstarter campaigns!

For the duration of the 1st Kickstarter campaign – the Prequel, you’ll travel to present-day Shanghai through pictures, stories, puzzles and videos that I’ll send every 2 or 3 days, to update you on our findings, and to help you answer this question, where did this Box came from?

Start playing the Prequel before getting your hands on the box, just for 1$!

Yes, you can take an active part in the investigation, be a web sleuth and solve some exciting puzzles in order to go further in the game and find where the Box is hidden. Or, you can just tag along, follow the story, check the videos and browse the different materials.

I’ll be the players’ eyes on the ground, and through videos and pictures that I will send, you’ll feel we are…
…roaming the streets of Shanghai together searching for the Box.

This is for you if,

  • You Love Solving Mysteries, Narrative Puzzles and have a Detective Mind
  • You Love Adventure and “miss” Past Epochs (it’s a bit of a paradox, but I do miss places and epochs that I never lived in),
  • You Love ARGs (Alternate Reality Game).

Ready to start to Play?

We’ll have about 10 chapters during the campaign, and below is the start of Chapter 1.

Click on the image below to back our Kickstarter campaign and play the game for just $1